In line with the new campaign
naming notification that Amazon launched recently, let’s look at some key
insights about naming your AMS / Amazon PPC ads. While I cannot say that there
is a best way to name our Amazon Advertising Campaigns, I discovered that there
are a couple of items that, when we include in the names, they help us manage
the campaigns much easier.

Here they are:
A unique serial
number – this will help you find your campaigns much easier, be it in the Amazon
Advertising console, or in the reports. Try something like 001 and then move your way up every time you launch a new campaign.
Date/Quarter –
even if you are able to see the date when you launched a campaign in the Amazon
Advertising interface, when downloading reports, you would see this information
in a different column. To help you identify at a glance when you launched a
campaign, it’s best if you add either the date or the quarter in the campaign’s
name. E.G. 001 | 05/19
Did you know that you cannot change the name of an Amazon Advertising campaign after you launched it?
Product or product
category – Having the product or the product category (or both) in the name
of the ads will help you identify campaigns much easier, sort them, filter them
in excel, group them, etc. You can go as specific as you wish: from naming the
actual product, to adding the generic name of the category of products that you
are selling. This is a very important item to add in the campaign title, as it
will save you lots of time when you will look at the campaigns to optimise them
or to see how they perform. To help you group your campaigns even better, you
can also build Portfolios
– see Key
Benefits Of Portfolios In The Amazon Advertising Console. E.G. 001 | 05/19 | Mens Watches
Did you know that the campaign name cannot contain “ ’ “ as a character? The system won’t always stop you adding it (might be a bug), so you might get away with it if you try a couple of times.
Type of campaign –
is it a Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, or Product Display campaign that
you are launching?! Having the name of the campaign will help you again save
time when managing the campaigns and optimising them (be it in the interface or
in the reports). Use Acronyms: SP (Sponsored Products); SB (Sponsored Brands);
PD (Product display). E.G. 001 | 05/19 | Mens Watches | SP
Did you know that Amazon allows us to add 128 characters in the name of a campaign? Notification from the interface: “Campaign name should not be longer than 128 characters”
Campaign settings
– add here any type of campaign settings that you feel will help you: type of
targeting (Automatic, Manual: Kws or Product Targeting); bidding strategies,
etc. By adding this, you will be able to recognise a campaign and its settings,
only by looking at its name. E.G. 001 | 05/19 | Mens Watches | SP | Manual
Important: make sure you match the details in the campaign name with the actual settings from the campaign.
Targeting –
related to the campaign settings’ item that we discussed above, here we would
add even more details that will help us identify the specifics of the ad. If
you are setting a new campaign with Manual targeting using keywords, I
recommend you group these keywords in 3: Brand, Generic, Competitors. E.G. 001
| 05/19 | Mens Watches | SP | Manual | Generic
If you added all of the items above, you would now have
something like: 001 | 05/19 | Mens
Watches | SP | Manual | Generic kws.
While this might not help you directly sell more with your
campaigns, it will help you save time when analysing and optimising your ads. I’m
very curious about your approach on this: do you add other items to your names?
Do you feel the above is comprehensive enough? Leave your comments below.